[8M] Gravity race car
For the third-year group project, our group of 4 was tasked with building the fastest gravity powered racecar (racing down a slope). We designed the car and the manufacturing process in 9 months. This page is a summary of the project.
Design - shell and chassis
The design of the chassis aims at maximizing ruggedness and aerodynamics, while the mold emphasizes simplicity. Utilizing background knowledge, FEA simulations, and physical testing, a product was created to meet these specified goals. This package outlines the technical justifications for both design requirements and design choices.

Part Design
Akin to the thermoformed body, the composite chassis prioritizes aerodynamics and ease of manufacturability.
The rear angling of the chassis allows for the car to take on a tear-dropped profile. This significantly reduces the turbulent flow at the rear of the car and minimizes the induced drag force. Keeping in line with being simple to manufacture, no post-processing procedures (apart from finishing the edges) are required on the angled part.

The tolerances were designed to maximize efficiency. Given that the post-processing would be done entirely by hand, the dimensions of the wheel clearance slots were designed with ±5mm in mind. Furthermore, the utilization of hex head bolts allowed for the holes to be oversized. With a larger head surface area, the bolts would be able to clamp properly when set into a larger hole. In this case, the acceptable deviation was +0.125in and -0.0in.
The only tolerances that required high precision were the alignment of the features. For example, if the bolt holes were significantly off-center, the axle would end up slanted with one wheel further forward than the other. This would cause an imbalance in the car and hamper performance.

Tooling Design

Material Selection

Decision: E-glass
Process selection

Decision: Light resin transform molding (LRTM)
Manufacturing Method Analysis

Cost Estimate
All costs listed below are in CAD.

Material Cost

Total estimated cost for a year was ~ $ 687,000. Therefore, by increasing the number of stations to 6 each, costs were reduced by ~ 29%.
Engineering Science Analysis

Part and Tooling Thermal Analysis

Cycle time estimation

Experimentation and Testing

Vacuum Assisted Process vs. Open-air process

Post Processing time Test

External Research
Shape of Chassis
Chassis was shaped as flat as possible, and avoiding angles approaching 90 degrees. [22]

Post processing - drilling
Drilling is a viable post processing method for the holes, if done at high cutting speed and low feed.[23]

Post processing – Saw Cutting
Using a saw is a viable post processing method for smooth edges, with minimal chipping - if done at appropriate slicing angles.[23]

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