3. Posts

Freeform written pieces

Don vs Kore

So the other day I learnt the hard way that

what do you want to do?

Dopaminergic loss chasing, ADHD.

two people living the same life

How can the same person go living two completely different lives within the span of a few months?

the average person cant do it

You've seen the trials and tribulations, the losses, the sacrifice. I can't convince myself that the people around me are living lives as intense as mine, but of course, they are.

life is suffering

Happiness seemed to be a universal goal, something everyone agreed to be unequivocally good for life, and good for the world.

i must outpace death

Why can't we indulge in pleasure every day? Why can’t I come home from work, grab a drink, and entertain myself till the rising sun?

The city in the distance

A journey begins.